'Tis the season for what I call "feel good stories". They seem to be a little more front and center these days when you watch the news. And goodness knows we need some good news with so much bad in the past day! Be praying for Australia & Pakistan! But you know the stories I'm talking about. "Woman finally receives Christmas card after 40 years" or "Boy makes elephant his pet and saves him from being put down". Ok, I made those two up, but they would be good ones, eh? I saw one yesterday about a 96 year old man who has been giving out toys to children
Sermon Recap
What a joy to celebrate the baptism of Marc Bruneau. And a first for Laurentian to have a baptism on the platform. Congrats Marc. Your story was much better than my sermon! :)
We looked at the parents of John the Baptist; Zechariah & Elizabeth.
Message: Where Does Your Life Point?
Scripture: Luke 1:5-25, 57-66
Key Verse: "But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John." -Luke 1:13, NIV
1. You Are Not Forgotten Because He Hears Your Prayer (Luke 1:5-13).
2. You Have A Purpose Because He Made You (Luke 1:14-17).
3. You Need to Have Faith Because He Is Faithful (Luke 1:18-20).
4. You Need to Acknowledge God Because He Gives All Good Gifts (Luke 1:21-25).
5. Your Name Isn't ________________ (whatever negative things the world has named you), Because God Has Named You (Luke 1:57-66).
When we get a clear picture of whose we are and the source of our life, we too will point people to Jesus, just as John the Baptist did.
Question for Reflection
Where does your life point?
Be A Merry Christmas!
-Pastor Jason