Our Core Values and Beliefs
Read more about what we believe by clicking here.
The Wesleyan Church is an evangelical, Protestant denomination. We offer the good news that faith in Jesus Christ makes possible a wonderful personal relationship with God, a holy life empowered by His Holy Spirit for witness and service, and assurance of eternal life in heaven. Our ministries emphasize practical Bible teaching, uplifting worship, and special programs to meet a variety of life needs.
With World Headquarters in Fishers, Indiana, The Wesleyan Church has nearly 400,000 constituents in 5,000 churches and missions in 80 countries of the world. Formed in 1968 resulting from the mergers of several like-minded groups, dating back as far as 1843, The Wesleyan Church has its roots in John Wesley's Methodism.
Wesleyans believe in one God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the Savior of all men and women who put their faith in Him alone for eternal life. We believe that those who receive new life in Christ are called to be holy in character and conduct, and can only live this way by being filled with the Lord's Spirit. We believe in the Bible and seek to establish our faith and actions on its teaching. We believe God wills for people everywhere to know Him and that the purpose of the Church is to tell the world about Christ through its worship, witness, and loving deeds.
The following are terms descriptive of who Wesleyans are and why we do what they do. They describe the "soul of our Church":
BIBLICAL AUTHORITY: The Bible is the highest source of written authority for God's plan for His people; it reveals how to live out that plan, individually and corporately. Beliefs, practices, priorities are to be anchored in clear biblical teachings.
CHRISTLIKENESS: Jesus Christ is the defining feature of God's will for all humankind. In Christ is found the highest and most practical meaning and clearest example for holy living or godliness. Christ is both example and strength as Wesleyans pursue integrity, excellence, faith, hope, and love.
DISCIPLE-MAKING: Making disciples is a clear mandate from Christ. This requires a strong focus on evangelism and training in spiritual growth and holy living. Done effectively, this will produce and promote growth and health in and among the churches.
LOCAL CHURCH CENTERED: The denomination exists to serve local congregations. Local churches are the most fundamental and strategic points of evangelism and discipleship. The challenge of the denomination is to keep finding the best ways to serve and strengthen congregations.
SERVANT LEADERSHIP: Wesleyans respect leadership that is placed over them, while realizing that the authority and effectiveness of spiritual leadership is not primarily bestowed, but earned and manifested by a loving and willing heart of obedience that serves God and mankind gladly. Wesleyans desire to be leaders in serving.
UNITY IN DIVERSITY: There is intrinsic value in every person. Unity becomes all the more important and beautiful in the light of the wide ranges of difference in personality, culture, race, talents, and perspectives. Loving each other eliminates devaluation and deprivation of life to one another.
Read more about what we believe by clicking here.
With World Headquarters in Fishers, Indiana, The Wesleyan Church has nearly 400,000 constituents in 5,000 churches and missions in 80 countries of the world. Formed in 1968 resulting from the mergers of several like-minded groups, dating back as far as 1843, The Wesleyan Church has its roots in John Wesley's Methodism.
Wesleyans believe in one God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the Savior of all men and women who put their faith in Him alone for eternal life. We believe that those who receive new life in Christ are called to be holy in character and conduct, and can only live this way by being filled with the Lord's Spirit. We believe in the Bible and seek to establish our faith and actions on its teaching. We believe God wills for people everywhere to know Him and that the purpose of the Church is to tell the world about Christ through its worship, witness, and loving deeds.
The following are terms descriptive of who Wesleyans are and why we do what they do. They describe the "soul of our Church":
BIBLICAL AUTHORITY: The Bible is the highest source of written authority for God's plan for His people; it reveals how to live out that plan, individually and corporately. Beliefs, practices, priorities are to be anchored in clear biblical teachings.
CHRISTLIKENESS: Jesus Christ is the defining feature of God's will for all humankind. In Christ is found the highest and most practical meaning and clearest example for holy living or godliness. Christ is both example and strength as Wesleyans pursue integrity, excellence, faith, hope, and love.
DISCIPLE-MAKING: Making disciples is a clear mandate from Christ. This requires a strong focus on evangelism and training in spiritual growth and holy living. Done effectively, this will produce and promote growth and health in and among the churches.
LOCAL CHURCH CENTERED: The denomination exists to serve local congregations. Local churches are the most fundamental and strategic points of evangelism and discipleship. The challenge of the denomination is to keep finding the best ways to serve and strengthen congregations.
SERVANT LEADERSHIP: Wesleyans respect leadership that is placed over them, while realizing that the authority and effectiveness of spiritual leadership is not primarily bestowed, but earned and manifested by a loving and willing heart of obedience that serves God and mankind gladly. Wesleyans desire to be leaders in serving.
UNITY IN DIVERSITY: There is intrinsic value in every person. Unity becomes all the more important and beautiful in the light of the wide ranges of difference in personality, culture, race, talents, and perspectives. Loving each other eliminates devaluation and deprivation of life to one another.
Read more about what we believe by clicking here.
We Believe...
Introduction // Articles of Religion |
The Trinity // Articles of Religion |
The Father // Articles of Religion |
The Son // Articles of Religion |
Holy Spirit // Articles of Religion |
Scripture // Articles of Religion |
God's Purpose for Humanity //
Sin // Articles of Religion |
Repentance & Faith // Articles of Religion |
Atonement // Articles of Religion |
Justification, Regeneration, and Adoption // Articles of ReligionClick this link for more information about what we believe about "Justification, Regeneration and Adoption".
https://www.wesleyan.org/becoming-a-part-of-the-family-of-god |
Sanctification - A New Level of Love // Articles of ReligionClick this link for more information about what we believe about "Sanctification - A New Level of Love".
www.wesleyan.org/a-new-level-of-love |
The Church - Gathered & Scattered // Articles of ReligionClick this link for more information about what we believe about "the Church".
www.wesleyan.org/gathered-and-scattered-the-church-on-mission |
Gifts of the Spirit - Rediscovering the purpose of spiritual gifts // Articles of ReligionClick this link for more information about what we believe about spiritual gifts.
www.wesleyan.org/rediscovering-the-purpose-of-spiritual-gifts |
Good Works - Bearing the fruit of faith // Articles of ReligionClick this link for more information about what we believe about the role of good works in the life of a Christian.
https://www.wesleyan.org/bearing-the-fruit-of-faith |
Marriage - Whose idea is it anyway? // Articles of ReligionClick this link for more information about what we believe about the biblical view, and importance, of marriage.
https://www.wesleyan.org/marriage-whose-idea-is-it-anyway |
Second Coming & Resurrection - A Bright Future // Articles of ReligionClick this link for more information about what we believe about the Second Coming of Christ, and the Resurrection of our bodies.
https://www.wesleyan.org/a-bright-future |
Every knee will bow - Humanity's destiny // Articles of ReligionWesleyans believe our all-knowing God will combine justice and love in his final decisions on every human’s destiny. Click the link below for more information.
www.wesleyan.org/every-knee-will-bow |