-Pastor Jason
Click here to read the article on churchleaders.com>>
Laurentian Wesleyan Church |
If you're married, you know that a great, God-honouring marriage doesn't just happen. It takes a lot of listening, loving, confessing, forgiving and grace...to name a few. Would you consider praying these "10 Great Prayers for Every Marriage" by Ron Edmondson (They're only a sentence each). And let me add my prayer that God would strengthen your marriage!
-Pastor Jason Click here to read the article on churchleaders.com>> It's finally over. After weeks of promises, pandering and politicking, the federal election has concluded with a surprisingly definitive conclusion. And the Blue Jays Won! Now you're all caught up. Ha.
As they asked on the radio this afternoon, "did you get what you want?" Of course, for some yes, for some no. So as followers of Christ, what's our next step, regardless of how you voted? I think it's found in 1 Timothy 2:1-4, “I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth." We are blessed to live in Canada. But we serve the God who is sovereign over all. We pray from the heart, "God Keep Our Land". We read the troubling statistics and more than that, we see churches with no young people. Why do teens leave the church? The article below endeavours to answer that question. The main reason this article suggests? "Of all the youth group participation variables we’ve seen, being involved in intergenerational worship and relationship was one of the variables most highly correlated to young people’s faith. So in other words, while it’s great that there are better trained, more called, more specialized paid and volunteer youth leaders—the downside is that the gap between the overall congregation and the youth ministry is growing, which ends up being toxic to young people’s faith."
I believe our church has something to offer as we endeavour to reach teens (and engage the ones we already have). And it really comes down to you and I taking an interest in their lives. There is a place for having events that are focused for just teens, but to really help teens have a strong vibrant faith, it needs to be connected with older believers who are encouraging and intentional about investing in their lives. This is a reminder to "keep going Laurentian" as many are already doing this. But it's also a reminder to be intentional and keep growing in our words and deeds. If God is going to allow us to be a healthy, multi-generational church for the coming decades, we need to pray, look for ways to invest in young people and invite others to connect with our church, but more importantly, begin a relationship with Jesus. Click here to read the article on churchleaders.com: "Why Do Students Leave Their Faith After Graduation? According to Research, This Is the Biggest Factor". In Christ, Pastor Jason |
Jason McCutcheonDevotional thoughts, reflections on a books I've read or a great song I've come across. Thanks for reading! Archives
April 2021
Laurentian Wesleyan Church
529 McKay Ave. North Bay, ON P1B 7V7 705-494-9710 |
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