David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied." 1 Samuel 17:45, NIV
What are the giants in your life? Addiction, a hopeless situation, sinful habits?
God wants to help you face your giant!
1. Giants are BIG.
2. Only the BRAVE face a giant.
3. Keep Your EYE on the PRIZE.
4. Develop a THICK SKIN towards discouragers.
5. Have FAITH like a CHILD.
6. EXERCISE your spiritual muscles.
7. Fight with GOD'S AMOUR, not MAN'S.
i. Saul's LANCE of lies or God's BELT of truth.
ii. Saul's SHIRT of sin or God's BREASTPLATE of righteousness.
iii. Saul's BOOTS of busyness or God's GOSPEL of peace.
iv. Saul's TIGHTS of terror or God's SHIELD of faith.
v. Saul's HARD HAT of works or God's HELMET of salvation.
vi. Saul's MAN MADE blade or God's SWORD of the Spirit.
8. Remember whose SIDE you're on.
9. Claim the VICTORY.
10. Kill the giant DEAD.
Question for Reflection
Have you ever watched someone be blessed for fighting with God's armour, rather than man's? (Taking the high road?)
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