How would you define the word "repentance"? I would say it is turning away from something that is not pleasing to God. Making a u-turn in life. In my life, shame has brought me to repentance at times. I have to come to God and admit that I've sinned. But would you attach words like joy, beauty or privilege to the word repentance? Probably not...but I think we should.
Jarrid writes, "Repentance is all about turning away from our fleshly desires, and instead clinging to the beauty and supremacy of God’s will. There is nothing to be ashamed about in admitting you’ve messed up. Repentance bridges the gap between our failures and God’s forgiveness. That’s the beauty. It’s the gateway to new life and an unrelenting relationship with God."
I suppose I don't completely agree with Jarrid that there is no shame in repentance. Facing repentance is always humbling. When we look at God's holiness and our sin, there will be shame. But repentance doesn't stop brings freedom. It is the conduit for God's forgiveness. Our guilt is lifted. We are washed clean. Repentance isn't a hammer to hit people over the head with, but rather a ladder to extend so people can climb up.
"Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out..." Acts 3:19, ESV