A Devotional Thought.
I've been listening to an interesting book entitled, "The Principle of the Path" by Andy Stanley. The overall premise is that "direction determines destination, every time." Where we end up in life is directly related to the direction we head today. So the question I ask us to ponder, is "why do we make poor decisions today when we know the probable result of those decisions"? Surely I'm not the only one who sometimes makes poor decisions. Can I confess, I really don't like shovelling snow. Now, some of you are saying, "well, who does?" Perhaps I should rephrase. I don't shovel snow until I have to. I'm sure my neighbour, who faithful clears his snow down to the pavement, has noticed. Meanwhile, our driveway resembles a snowmobile obstacle course . I know it's much easier to clear my driveway right after it snows but I tell myself, "we'll get a warm snap and it will melt anyway and I will have wasted my effort." Why do we make these justifications for choices that have bad outcomes? I think Jeremiah 17:9 helps here. "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" My heart; my feelings; caused me to make a choice that led to an unfortunate consequence. As Andy says, "We listen to our hearts, and then we assign our heads to build a case for our decisions." I'm using a simple analogy of shovelling snow to help us think (although, I admit, my confession is [mostly] true). We lie to ourselves all the time about where our decisions lead. "One more peace of cake won't hurt. One more word of gossip won't hurt. One more thought of lust won't hurt." But these little choices determine our destination. John 8:31b-32 says, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." So let's be honest with ourselves and acknowledge that our hearts can lead us astray and ask "is the choice I'm about to make going to lead to where I want to go". Don't trust your heart. Trust the Truth. Feel free to stop by and chip away at my driveway, anytime :)
On the journey with you. -Jason
"Let My People Go" Part 4 of 4. Sermon Recap.
*You can listen to the sermon above.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Message: How to Trust in an Upside Down World
Scripture: Exodus 7-12
God, bearing ultimate authority and power in this world, is worthy of our trust. The gods of this world are not.
God was addressing specific egyptian gods through the plagues.
1. God Is Our Source of Living Water.
The Plague of Blood (7:14-17, 20-21).
2. Comforts & Pleasures Don’t Save Us, God Does.
The Plagues of Frogs, Gnats & Flies (8:2-24).
Titus 3:3-5
3. Ultimately, Trust in God for Healing.
The Plague of Boils (9:8-9).
4. In God’s Economy, Money Isn’t Everything.
The Plague of Livestock, Hail & Locusts (9:2-4, 18-10:6)
5. We Are Not In Control, God Is.
The Plague of Darkness (10:21-23).
6. We Are Saved Through the Blood of Jesus.
The Plague of the Firstborn (11:4-7).
Question for Reflection
Why do people act like the "gods of the this world" can save them, instead of putting their trust in Jesus?
I welcome your comments.